Price Comparison

In times of cut-backs it is important to know how much you can save by using a Virtual Assistant / PA as against employing a new member of staff:

Employee Virtual Assistant
Recruitment of a part-time secretary / admin assistant £2500.00 £0.00
Salary – 12 months including tax, national insurance, pension contributions £21,500.00 £0.00
Statutory sick pay £50.00 £0.00
Time lost due to sick days £250.00 £0.00
Purchase of equipment – Computer, desk, chair etc £1200.00 £0.00
Additional Insurance costs £150.00
Virtual Assistant based on 25 hours per month (without any discount applied) £6,000.00
TOTALS £25,650.00 £6,000.00
SAVINGS £19,650.00

Our current charges range between £18.00 – £25.00 per hour depending on the service required and all subject to negotiation and can be tailored to your specific requirements.

Digital dictation is charged at £1.00 per minute of dictation.

There is an option to purchase a retainer package where a nominal fee is payable but a discount is then applied to hourly rates.

Terms and Conditions, testimonials and references are availabe on request